Own production

          The company's products "Energomir" is aimed at solving problems of  hight-frequency (HF) processing, communications and defense. Understanding the needs of the customer, the company "Energomir" aims to provide the entire spectrum of the HF processing equipment, as domestic production (line trap with the tuning device to it, coupling device, receiver and transmitter HF teleprotection equipment "PVZ"), and other manufacturers (HF communication equipment, protection equipment and automatic protective devices, telecommunications PDH and SDH equipment is designed to work as FOCL and RRL production Slovenian company «Iskra dd», coupling capacitor, etc.).
LIne traps of its own production, made by advanced technology from quality materials, that allow for HF communications on overhead lines from 35 to 750 kV, covering a range of operating frequencies from 20 to 1000 kHz. The quality of line traps regularly confirmed by certificates, including the international ISO9001.
Tuning device are designed for heavy electrical and climatic conditions of work
 at lightning and switching surges, and extreme environmental conditions. Flexibility calculation circuit element configuration allows the product to any physically realizable range. Flexibility calculation of the circuit element configuration to allows make the product to any physically realizable range.
Enterprise "Energomir" has production capacity for coupling devices "FP". These products cover the entire frequency range of the HF line traps and are designed for peak power HF signal 200 and 400 watts. Coupling devices, like the elements of setting, have a fixed grid frequency ranges, however, at the customer's request can be made any physically realizable combinations of capacitance coupling capacitor, the frequency range and input impedance.
Teleprotection equipment - HF transceiver of  protection PVZ ability to work together with the differential-phase, direction, semiconductor and microprocessor protection on the HV 35-1150 kW in the frequency range 36-600 kHz. Device transmitter has a maximum power of 30 W, and the digital receiver is able to programmatically change the shape of the frequency-response characteristic, the amount of bandwidth, and the degree of suppression of the reflected signal. 
          Equipment high frequency protection PVZ-VL is designed for receiving and transmitting protection signals over the HF channel formed over the 35-1150 kV power transmission lines in the frequency range 24-1000 kHz. The power of transceiver  is 40 W.  It is compatible with other HF protection equipment, such as AVZK-80, PVZ-90M, PVZU-E, etc.