Furnace capacitors

 Furnace capacitors


          In a machine-building industry an inductive heating of metals is widely used by high frequency currents (surface hardening and steel alloying, forging, stamping and rolling, metal melting, soldering, etc.).
          Furnace plants are used for inductive heating of metals. Inductive heating is connected with a big consumption of inductive current by inductor what stipulates a very low power factor of plants.

          To increase power factor of inductive furnace plants the following power capacitors of EEVP, EEPV and EEPVP, KEEPV series are used which are designed and manufactured according to innovation technologies and meet international standards requirements for furnace capacitors.


          Furnace capacitors apply to increase power factor of furnace plants with frequency from 0,5 up to 10 kHz.

          Furnace capacitors
          In capacitors designation the first number after type – rated voltage in kV,
                                                   the second – current frequency in kHz.
          Capacitors are impregnated with ecologically safe dielectric fluid and have a single contour of water cooling.
          Furnace capacitors apply to increase power factor of furnace plants with frequency from 0,25 up to 10 kHz.
          Furnace capacitors

          In capacitors designation the first number after type – rated voltage in kV,
                                                   the second – rated capacitance in mfd,
                                                   the third - rated current frequency in kHz.

          Capacitors are impregnated with ecologically safe dielectric fluid and have double system of water cooling.