Other equipment


СМ (P)(V) Coupling capacitors


RVO-10/400 Disconnectors


RK Coaxial cables


  Capacitors of voltage dividers, capacitive voltage dividers


  Special high-voltage and impulse capacitors, power filters of higher harmonics


  Batteries of static capacitors, capacitor blocks

          Given the shortage of energy resources, the rising cost of electricity, a significant increase in the production and development of urban infrastructure and urgent problem of energy saving technologies of transportation, electricity consumption - reactive power compensation. At the enterprises of energy saving, first of all, is to effectively use. Correct operation of process plants and some industrial systems.
 Most of the electrical installations, along with the active power (P, kW) and consume reactive (Q, kvar) to ensure the normal operation mode. Active energy is converted into mechanical, thermal and other useful energy. Reactive power is not connected with the performance of useful work, she spent only for the creation of electromagnetic fields. Reactive power lowers the quality of electricity, which leads to an increase in electric fee to additional losses in the conductorsThis is due to the increase in current, oversized transformers, cable cross-sections, the deviation from the nominal voltageTransmission and consumption of reactive power is accompanied by a loss of active power, kW.
To date, developed two methods for reactive power compensation - natural and artificial. Natural compensation is achieved through a series of mandatory measures for process optimization in the enterpriseuniform distribution of loads on the grid generated by the rationalization of working process and prevention equipment, reducing the number of transformation stages, disconnection of power transformers at a low load, etc. Artificial (transverse) reactive power compensation created by the compensating devices - condensing units, capacitive reactive energy sources.