High-voltage capacitor banks with automatic power control

 High-voltage capacitor banks with automatic power control


          Adjustable capacitor banks UKRM are meant for power factor correction (cos ?) of electrical plants of industrial companies and distribution networks for voltage of 6-10 kV frequency 50 Hz, with alternating load. The banks secure maintenance of the set power factor at hours of maximum and minimum loads in a work regime of grid assembly unit as well as exclude increasing regime of reactive power generation (overcompensation).
          Automatically adjustable capacitor banks application permits to form a precise balance of reactive power in a grid without operator presence, to reduce current loads at electricity transmission lines, transformers and distribution equipment connecting with reactive power transmission, as well as to stabilize a voltage in electrical system units, what gives a possibility to reduce the charges for energy payment and to connect additional load. Adjustable capacitor banks of reactive power compensation are meant for operation in closed industrial rooms at normal operation conditions. For operation in regions with cold climate at low temperatures the adjustable capacitor banks are supplied to be installed in modules which secure keeping necessary regime of bank operation.

          By the design the banks UKRM-6(10) consist of input cell and capacitor cells (adjustable and non-adjustable), the quantity of which depends on bank power. The cells present the assembled weldable metal cabinets, inside of which an apparatus of main and auxiliary circuits is placed. An access to the cells is secured through the doors from facade side.
          In the input cell there are current transformers, a disconnector with a drive, control and measuring instruments, devices of relay protection and automatics. At input cell door there are amperemeters, signaling lamps, reactive power controller. Left of the door there are blocking locks for a protection from the access to current-carrying parts when the bank is switched on and a drive of disconnector's main blades. Right from the door there is a drive of grounding blades.
          Three phase capacitors and fuses are installed in non-adjustable capacitor cells. Three phase capacitors, fuses, current limiting reactors and vacuum contactors are installed in adjustable capacitor cells. Each capacitor has built-in discharge resistors and is protected by installed current-limiting fuses. The fuses has an actuation indicator, and for observing of fuses condition there are a peep-holes in capacitor cell doors.


          Capacitor banks secure the following:
 - in automatic control regime: automatic maintenance of the set power factor by means of switching on/off of regulation steps;
 - in manual regime: a possibility of manual switching on and off of regulation steps by turns;
 - protection from rated current increase;
 - current indication of capacitor batteries;
 - emergency signaling at protections actuation;
 - voltage protection (max/min);
 - overload protection by means of higher harmonics currents.

         High-voltage capacitor banks with automatic power control


        * approved at purchase order. In a bank designation: 56 – banks with disconnector;
                                                                                             57 – banks without disconnector;
                                                                                             first number after type – rated voltage in kV;
                                                                                             second – rated power in kVar.

          Possible regulation steps: 150, 225, 300, 450 kvar. Input cell location: from the left or from the right. The banks have protection degree IP32.
          The banks are completed with KEP capacitors. Capacitors are impregnated with ecologically safe dielectric fluid, equipped with internal discharge resistors. Except regulation steps, it is possible to produce the product with permanently connected part. It is approved at purchase order.