Designation standard rating |
Tangent loss angle |
Overall dimensions, mm |
Weight, kg |
Regulatory document |
diameter |
height |
SM(B)-66/√3-4.4 U1 |
3.0x10 -3 |
280 |
890 |
68±7 |
GOST 15581-80 |
SM(B)V-66/√3-4.4 U1 |
935 |
SMP(B)-66/√3-4.4 U1 |
1300 |
106±12 |
SMP(B)V-66/√3-4.4 U1 |
1345 |
SM-110/√3-6.4 U |
1170 |
83±6 |
SMV-110/√3-6.4 U1 |
1215 |
SMB-110/√3-6.4 U1 |
1380 |
100±6 |
SMBV-110/√3-6.4 U1 |
1425 |
SMP-110/√3-6.4 U1 |
1580 |
131±14 |
SMPV-110/√3-6.4 U1 |
1625 |
SMPB-110/√3-6.4 U1 |
1790 |
148±14 |
SMPBV-110/√3-6.4 U1 |
1835 |
SMA-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
313 |
1272 |
130±10 |
ST 2347-1917-01- TOO-4-065-2017 |
SMAV-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
1305 |
SMAP-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
1705 |
172±10 |
SMAPV-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
1738 |
SMA-166/√3-14 UHL1 |
485 |
1454 |
300±30 |
SMAB-166/√3-14 UHL1 |
SMAV-166/√3-14 UHL1 |
1486 |
SMABV-166/√3-14 UHL1 |
SMA-K-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
284 |
1250 |
70±7 |
ST 2347-1917-01-TOO-4-080-2019 |
SMAV-K-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
1282 |
SMAP-K-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
1780 |
106±10 |
SMAPV-K-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
1812 |
SMM-20/√3-35 U1 |
2.3x10 -3 |
305x135x345 |
8±0.8 |
ST 2347-1917-01- TOO-4-064-2017 |
SMM-20/√3-74 U1 |
305x135x440 |
14±1.4 |
SMM-20/√3-107 U1 |
In the designation of capacitors, the first digit after the type is the rated voltage in kilovolts, the second is the capacitance in nanofarads;
Designation: C – coupling capacitor; M – oil impregnation; A – in a reinforced tire; B – category of electrical equipment for external insulation; B – with output; P – combined with an insulating stand; M – capacitors are manufactured in metal cases; BP – paper-film dielectric; K – capacitors are manufactured in a composite case with silicone fins (in polymer).
Designation of standard rating |
Overall dimensions, mm |
Weight, kg |
Used for completing |
Regulatory document |
height |
diameter |
base |
PI-1 U1 |
430 |
280 |
350x350 |
45±5 |
SM(P)(V)-66/√3-4.4 U1 |
GOST 15581-80 |
PI-2 U1, UHL1 |
280 |
400x400 |
51±6 |
SM(P)(B)(V)-110/√3-6.4 U1 |
PI-5 UHL1 |
445 |
313 |
350x350 |
50±5 |
SMA(P)(V)-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
ST 2347-1917-01- TOO-4-065-2017 |
284 |
SMA(P)(V)-K-110/√3-6.4 UHL1 |
ST 2347-1917-01-TOO-4-080-2019 |
PI-6 UHL1 |
510 |
460 |
510x510 |
128±10 |
SMA(V)-166/√3-14 UHL1 |
ST 2347-1917-01- TOO-4-065-2017 |
1) – Depending on the type of tire, there may be differences in the overall and installation dimensions of the capacitors (indicated in parentheses). The required dimensions are specified when ordering. 2) – By agreement with the customer, it is possible to manufacture capacitors with a leakage distance of external insulation corresponding to pollution degree III or IV according to GOST 9920-89.