Single indoor disconnectors type RVO-10/400 (РВО-10/400 (русс.)) are designed for opening and closing sections of energized electrical circuit in the absence of high voltage and load current to change the connection diagrams; to ensure safe production of works on the off-line section; to enable or disable charging currents of air and cable lines, no-load current transformers and current small loads.
Disconnectors are made in UHL category 1 for working at heights up to 1000 m above sea level. It is recommended to be installed in areas where fluctuations in temperature and humidity do not differ significantly from fluctuations in the open air and there is relatively free access outside air, such as tents, bodies, trailers, metal premises without insulation, as well as housing a complete device or under cover to avoid direct effects and atmospheric precipitation on the product. Temperature range from -60°C to +40°C.
Technical data
- rated voltage: 10 kV
- maximum operating voltage: 12 kV
- rated current: 400 A
- amplitude limit through current (current of electrodynamic resistance): 40 kA
- rated short-circuit current (thermal current): 16 kA
- short time of rated short-circuit current: 3 s
- electric resistance of the main circuit: 47х10-6 Ohm
- weight: 10 kg
The type designation of execution disconnectors
РВО-10/400 UHL1
РВО-10/400 UHL1
Р - disconnector,
В - indoor installation,
O - single pole,
10 - rated voltage, kV,
400 - rated current, А,
UHL - climatic performance according to ГОСT 15150,
1 - placement category according to ГОСТ 15150.
В - indoor installation,
O - single pole,
10 - rated voltage, kV,
400 - rated current, А,
UHL - climatic performance according to ГОСT 15150,
1 - placement category according to ГОСТ 15150.