Coaxial cables РK

 Coaxial cables


          Radio frequency coaxial cables (further into Russian -  РК) are designed for installation transmitting and receiving antennas with radio and television stations, radio communication systems and radar, electronics, computers, control systems, different radio-frequency television installations interinstrument and intrainstrument installation wireless devices

          Types of coaxial cables



         Example of marking cable type РK 75-9-13
                        РK 75-9-13
                        РK - radio frequency coaxial cable;
                             75 - nominal characteristic impedance, Ohm/m.There are the following types of cables for a nominal characteristic 
                             impedance: 50, 75, 100, 150 и 200 Ohm;
                                  9 - nominal diameter of the cable insulation, mm. The nominal diameter of the coaxial cable insulation should be 
                                  equal to one of the values of the next row: 0.60; 0.87; 1.0; 1.5; 2.2; 2.95; 3.7; 4.6; 4.8; 5.6; 7.25; 9.0;
                                 11.5; 13.0; 17.3; 24.0; 33.0; 44.0; 60.0; 75.0 mm.  Coaxial cables, depending on the nominal diameter of 
                                  insulation are divided into four groups:  subminiature (? 1 mm), ultra small (? from 1.5 to 2.95 mm), 
                                  mid-size (? from 3.7 to 11.5 mm) and large size (? more 11.5 mm).
                                       13 - the first digit is a group of insulation and heat resistance cable category, the second, etc. is a serial 
                                       number of development. 
 - inner conductor:  
copper core;    
         -  design -
core consists of one wire ? 1.35 mm;  
the overall diameter of the inner conductor   - 1,35 mm;
 -  insulation? 9 mm polyethylene;
 -  shieldbraided copper wire density to 88%;
 -  jacket  –  light-stabilized polyethylene with a diameter less than 12.2 mm.

          Technical data

-  surge resistance  –  75±6 Ohm;
- electric capacitance  –  67 pF/m;

- factor of the wavelength –  1,52;
-  coupling resistance –  200 mOhm/m;
- test voltage at 50 Hz –  9 kV;
-  attenuation at 20°С, dB/100 m:

 -  estimated weight  –  173 kg/km.