Batteries of static capacitors, capacitor blocks

 Batteries of static capacitors, capacitor blocks


          Batteries of static capacitors (BSC) are applied to increase power factor in electrical grids. They allow producing reactive power exactly in load centers but not at long-distance electrical stations, what reduces voltage and power losses in power supply system.


          Tasks solvable by BSC installation: 
- electrical energy losses reduction; 
- voltage level stabilization (voltage losses reduction);
- electrical energy quality increase;
- reduction of reactive power consumption from powerful grids;
- increase of carrying capacity of electrical grid without power increase of power equipment;
- increase of electrical power supply system stability.

          BSC design

          For today most demanded BSC are of open performance type for operation at open distribution units without additional constructions. BSC of UKCP production fully satisfy the requirements of GOST 15543.1-89 concerning technical requirements of stability to climatic factors impacts for areas UHL1.
          Batteries are completed with single-phase PFC capacitors of KEPF type. Fuses are installed in series with each element inside a capacitor; they secure a localization of inside damages not allowing capacitor failure.
          Batteries completing depends on customer's requirements. The set of BSC has metal frames for installation of capacitors covered by hot or cold galvanizing, support and busbar insulators, busbar arrangement of electrical connections, instrument current transformers, protection devices of battery from imbalance current, current limiting reactors and a set of fastening goods.

          Batteries type BSC apply for reactive power compensation in grids from 6.3 up to 110 kV, frequency 50 Hz.


                   Batteries of static capacitors (BSC)



          * In battery designation: first figure after type – rated voltage in kV,
                                                 second figure – rated power in MVAr.




          Capacitor blocks (BK) 
          Capasitor blocks (BK) apply for shunt batteries completion with voltage 6; 10; 35; 110 kV frequency 50 Hz.


          Capacitor blocks (BK)

            In block designation: first number after type – rated voltage in kV;
                                             second – rated power in kVAr.
           *Instead of KES capacitors it is possible to complete with capacitors KEP1-1,05-63-1 U1 and KEP2-1,05-125-1 U1.